Borough of Englishtown
Office of Emergency Management

Coordinator: Chief Peter S. Cooke Jr.
(732) 446-7001 ext. 230

The Emergency Management Act of 1989, originally known as the Civil Defense Act of 1942, makes it possible to coordinate resources, manpower, equipment and financial assistance from county, state and federal agencies in the event of a local catastrophe.

The State Office of Emergency Management issues guidelines, in the form of a checklist, for development of county and municipal Emergency Operations Plans. These plans are reviewed and updated every four years.

An Emergency Operation Plan describes the organization, responsibilities, capabilities and procedures for municipal response during an emergency. An emergency is an unusual incident by natural or human causes that is too large to be handled by regular municipal services. A natural disaster includes hurricanes, flood or snow storms. An unnatural disaster could be a plane crash, a train derailment, chemical spill or fire.

The Emergency Operation Plan is initiated by the municipal emergency coordinator, who notifies the office of Emergency Management if an emergency or disaster overwhelms local emergency capabilities ( police, fire department, public health, public works and social service agencies) and county assistance is needed. Gary McTighe, the Acting Monmouth County Coordinator of the Office of Emergency Management, coordinates the necessary county, state and federal resources to address the crisis.

As of 2000, all of the 53 municipalities in Monmouth County received state approval of their Emergency Operations Plans (EOP). Monmouth County is the largest county with 100% compliance in New Jersey. This shows that cooperation between the Office of Emergency Management and local municipalities brings tangible results to the residents and businesses of Monmouth County.

To view the Monmouth County Hazard Mitigation Planning Process, please click on the link below:

New Jersey’s Monmouth County Office of Emergency Management



Monmouth County and its 53 municipalities have been working on the update of the Monmouth County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan since August of 2012. The draft of the updated plan is expected to be released in the early fall. The first county wide plan was completed in 2009. The plan is a documented evaluation of the natural hazards, primarily flooding, to which a community is susceptible and the extent to which these events will occur. It identifies an area’s vulnerability to the effects of natural hazards and the goals, objectives and actions required to minimize future loss. Mitigation is preparation and planning now to reduce loss of life and property later, by lessening the impacts of future disasters.

This plan allows the county and all the participating municipalities, including Englishtown, to apply for pre and post disaster mitigation grant funding through FEMA.

Once released, residents can review the draft of the all natural hazard-mitigation plan for the county and its 53 municipalities by, click on the OEM icon and select Hazard Mitigation Planning.

JCP &L – Register for Programs to Keep Informed During Summer Storm Season

JCP&L customers who use electrically operated life support equipment or depend on private well water can register their account with JCP&L to get updates on potential interruptions to their electric service, such as weather-related outages during the summer storm season.

JCP&L maintains a critical care list of customers who depend on electrically operated life support equipment. To be included on this list, every year customers must complete and submit an authorization form signed by their physician. This list is used to contact customers should an outage affect their electric service for more than 24 hours.

JCP&L also has a list of homes and businesses that depend on electrically operated private wells for water. These customers also are notified if a power outage is expected to affect their electric service for more than 24 hours, in which case they would be advised of locations where water and ice are available.

Both the critical care customer and private well customer lists are provided to County and Municiapl Offices of Emergency Management. To receive additional information and register accounts for the programs call 1-800-662-3115.

Prepare, Plan, Stay Informed.

What to do before, during and after an emergency.

Fires, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes etc.

Click here for important information that could save you and your family.

Register Ready is a Special Needs Registry designed to help emergency responders locate and safely evacuate people who could find it difficult to help themselves in the event of a major disaster, such as a hurricane.
The information collected in this registry is confidential and will not be available to the public. The information will be held securely and only used for emergency response and planning.

Should you, or someone you know need assistance in an evacuation, register online at or pick up an application inside Borough Hall.

Please be as complete as possible in your responses. You will be contacted occasionally to ensure the information is correct and to make any necessary changes.



Fill out this free application today

The Insurance Information Institute’s free online home inventory software can assist with being pro-active before theft or disaster hit home. The application made available by iii makes creating and updating home inventory easy and efficient. It includes free, secure online storage and gives access to home inventory anywhere, any time. You never know when a theft or disaster may strike, but you can be prepared with an up-to-date home inventory. Go to to register today!