Questions for the Department of Public Works (DPW)?

Call the Department of Public Works: 732-446-9235 Ext. 8

The Department of Public Works (DPW) maintains good working order of our streets, public grounds, and public parks (Ex. Sanford Park and Lake Weamaconk).  If you are having an issue with such matters, don't hesitate to get in touch with the DPW so that it can be addressed.

For fallen trees, power lines, telephone poles, etc., please call:

  • Englishtown Police Department: (732) 446-7000 / EMERGENCY – 911 (They will help keep the public safe)

  • DPW team:  732-446-9235 Ext. 8 (They will help with the utilities and roads)

  • JCPL / First Energy: 1-888-LIGHTSS (1-888-544-4877)

    • To Report downed wires, street lights, and power outages.

      Do not attempt to touch or move any fallen wires of any kind!

Updated material for Leaf, Brush ,and Recycling


The following takes effect for all leaf collections:

  • All leaves must be placed in biodegradable brown paper bags.

  • These bags can be purchased at the Manalapan Township Public Works Department (207 Route 522) on Mondays through Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. They are sold in bundles of 5 for $2.00. You can also purchase them from local retailers.

  • NO leaves will be collected that are not contained in these biodegradable bags.

  • Bagged leaves containing twigs, grass, brush, weeds, or other debris will not be collected.

  • Please place bagged leaves at the curb, not in the street, on the first day of each scheduled collection to ensure you will not miss any.

  • Leaves in biodegradable bags can be brought to the Public Works yard throughout the year.

The spring leaf collection will occur on April 1st and May 6th, and the fall leaf collection will appear every Monday in November and December.

If you did not have bagged leaves at the curb in time for the collection, you may bring them to the Manalapan Township Public Works yard at 207 Route 522.

Brush/limbs must be brought to Manalapan Public Works Yard (207 Route 522) and must be:

  • Tied securely in bundles

  • 4-foot maximum length

  • 50 pounds maximum weight

Place any large storm-damaged limbs at the curb and notify DPW within two weeks following the storm for removal.


Recyclable items will NO LONGER be accepted at Borough Hall. Recycling items can be disposed of at the Manalapan Township Public Works Yard (207 Route 522)

Containers are available for newspapers, Cardboard, and co-mingles (tin cans, glass bottles, and pourable plastic bottles). The facility is not single-stream, so kindly separate all 3.
You may bring your branches, leaves (in brown biodegradable paper bags), metals, electronic waste, etc., to the recycling yard; however, the items must be separated and placed in the proper container. Plastic bags will not be accepted.

TVs and electronics will NOT be picked up at a residence but must be brought to an appropriate recycling facility.

Stormwater Notices